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Facilitate Learner Development and Socialization

NLN Competency II: Facilitate Learner Development and Socialization

The nurse educator acts as an agent of student socialization by being a role model. As a role model, the nurse educator can instill the moral and professional values that are necessary to practice as a nurse (Halstead, 2007). Nurse educators show students how to interact with other nurses, medical professionals, and patients. I want my students to be confident and have the courage to say what they think and add to the discussion. To help students gain confidence, I try to be very considerate and give constructive feedback without tearing them down. Also, I give others confidence through encouragement and letting them know that I believe they can successfully complete a task. Students need to believe that their contribution is valuable but at the same time recognize the expertise of those they are working with.

Being an advisor/mentor is also important to student socialization. In a study by Harrison (2009), it was found that knowledge and availability were key to being a good advisor. I also believe that being approachable and understanding the student’s strengths and weaknesses are also important. Students look to their educators with respect and believe that they will help guide them to success and thus it is important to do so.

Socialization into the nursing field is not necessarily easy for all students. It can require extra time and effort and nurse educators are the first people students encounter who can aid in the process of socialization. They need to push students to expand their minds and think critically so that when the time comes, they will feel more prepared for their career (Halstead, 2007). I want my students to know that I am on their side and want them to succeed. I will push them, but my door will be open when they need a listening ear or have questions.

I believe that giving students opportunities to see and hear about different aspects of the nursing field can aid in student socialization. I hope to incorporate guest speakers and presentations that show students different types of nursing, new technology, and changes in healthcare. This can be done in class, if appropriate, but it can be an optional forum outside of class hours. When I was in nursing school, I had no idea there were so many different types of nursing that were available to me. I would have loved to hear from different nurses and learn about their nursing careers and get advice from them. These presentations can also be used as great networking experiences. I think nursing faculty have a wealth of knowledge and should be included in these forums as speakers.

Within the next five years, I hope to learn from other faculty members on how to be an effective mentor and advisor. I can also attend workshops and forums to learn how best to meet the needs of my students. I love to learn from others and see what works for them and incorporate this into my practice.


Halstead, J. A. (2007). Nurse educator competencies: Creating evidence-based practice for nurse educators. National League of Nursing, New York, NY.

Harrison, E. (2009). Faculty perceptions of academic advising: I don’t get no respect. Nursing Education Research, 30(4), 229-233.

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Tyandra Perez MSN, BSN, RN

Nurse Educator

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