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Function within the Educational Environment

NLN Core Competency VIII: Function within the Educational Environment

Nurse educators must be aware of the political, economic, and social changes that can influence nursing education. They also need to be aware of trends in higher education and understand the educational environment of the institution where they work (Halstead, 2007). All of these play a part in educational changes and policies. I plan to learn more about how these changes are effecting health care and specifically nursing. It is important to stay informed and be a resource to students who may not understand how these changes will affect their future careers.

Educators need to determine if their personal and professional goals align with those of the institution where they work (Halstead, 2007). If a nurse educator isn’t satisfied with their job then perhaps they aren’t a good ‘fit’ with the institution. Each person is different and thus will have different priorities regarding what is most important to them. Examples of variables that may affect satisfaction include the teaching atmosphere, pay, coworkers, opportunities for promotion, or contract length (Halstead, 2007). As I begin to find a position as a nurse educator, I plan to view the institution’s as well as the nursing program’s mission and philosophy to decide if my goals align. I also plan to ask questions about my role during the interview process so I have a very clear idea of what is expected and what the institution has to offer.

In the future, I hope to develop networks and partnerships that will enhance nursing’s influence on the community and institution (Halstead, 2007). I believe that through integration of various disciplines and professionals more can be done to further education of nursing in a more effective and beneficial way.


Halstead, J. (2007). Nurse educator competencies: Creating an evidence-based practice for nurse educators. New York, NY: National League for Nursing.

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Tyandra Perez MSN, BSN, RN

Nurse Educator

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